PC-SIG: World of Games
PC-SIG World of Games (CDRM1080710) (1993).iso
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Welcome to Miramar Jet Flight Simulator,
The following guidelines should help you get your F-18 Hornet
off the carrier deck and flying.
1) Press the "9" key to increase throttle to the point at
which the color changes to red (red line) on the right hand
linear tach gauge.
2) Press the "L" key to launch the steam catapult.
3) Press the "3" key to back off the throttle a little else the
jet will explode from over-revving or extreme heat buildup.
4) At this point press the "2" key once to pull back on the
stick and start climbing. Don't hold it down else you will do
a loop and crash in the water. After the horizon drops a little,
press the "8" key to hold a steady rate of climb. Think of the
keys 4,6,2, and 8 as the left,right,forward, and back directions of
a control stick. The stick does not return to center automatically.
Therefore, if you pull up by pressing "2" you must press "8" to
return the control stick to center position and stop climbing.
Watch the "T" bar gauge on the lower center dash to see where the
control stick is at any time.
5) Once you have gained sufficient altitude (upper right gauge)
you can start manuevering the jet without crashing into the ground.
The same rules for climbing and diving apply to turning left and
right. The whole idea is to keep the horizon line in sight at all
times. If you lose track of which way is up or down, try to stop
the horizon from moving and look at the artificial horizon gauge.
The line in this guage follows the true horizon and the red portion
of the gauge represents ground. If the top of the gauge is red
and the bottom is blue then you are flying inverted.
6) At some point in the game an enemy aircraft will appear and
will randomly start flying in front of you. If you don't shoot
him down within a certain amount of time then he will shoot you
down. As soon as he appears press "C" to turn your radar screen
into a combat sighting scope. Crosshairs should appear in the
middle of the screen. The red blip on the scope is the enemy jet,
if he goes off your screen then watch the red blip to try and get
him in your sights. Now comes the hard part, you must fly your
jet and try to get the enemy jet in your crosshairs. As he goes
through them press the space bar to fire 20 MM rounds at him. If
you hit the other jet it will explode and another will appear. To
stop playing the game press "Q" to quit and the computer will show
you your combat record.
7) If you have a hard time shooting at the other jet, try using a
sidewinder missile. (Much more effective!). To do this follow step
6 except that after you press "C" to get into combat mode, press the
"S" key to enable sidewinders. The crosshairs turn into a circle
and the enemy jet will have a square around him. Try to get the
circle inside the square. When you do the computer will lock on
and the lock on light will turn red. At this point the on board
flight computer is flying your jet and keeping the enemy's jet
locked in your sights. Now all you do is press either the "Z" key
or the "X" key to fire left wing or right wing sidewinders.
8) At some point you will run low on fuel or ammo. To get refueled
you must land your jet on the ground. Watch your altimeter and start
descending. Keep the aircraft level and slowly descend until the
altimeter reads 0. At this point the fuel and ammo gauges should
be reset and you can climb to engage more enemy aircraft.
Obviously, this game is a little difficult to get used to due to
the complexity of the aircraft you are flying. But, with practice
you should become an accomplished jet fighter pilot.
Good Luck and Have Fun,
Marc H. Cochran
Awesoft, Inc.
P.S. Please register.